Our family usually has mealtime grace at dinner. Each member of the family gets a turn to choose how to pray: silence, sing a song from a prescribed list, or speak a prayer. (Six Year Old sometimes chooses laughter, but that's another story.)
Tonight, we didn't observe grace. Robin left before dinner to go to a committee meeting at
Ben Lomond Quaker Center. She is serving her last meeting as clerk of the board of directors tomorrow.
So tonight at bedtime,
Ten Year Old said, "Daddy, if we had had grace tonight, it would have been my turn. I would have spoken a prayer. I would have said how lucky I am. I said that another time on my birthday. Another time, I said silence, but then I thought of a prayer, so I just said it in my mind."
There was another time recently -- not his birthday -- when Ten Year Old shared a vocal prayer at dinner. He gave thanks for the food and our family, and for how blessed we are, and he asked for help for those who need it. He went on to say something like, "Take care of Yourself, so you can be okay and help people."
I wish I had written it down at the time! It was really touching for him to be concerned with God's own Well-Being. Beautiful.
God, how blessed I am. Help me remember that in every moment, and to give thanks to You continually!