
Reclaiming the Power of Primitive Quakerism - photos

The workshop "Reclaiming the Power of Primitive Quakerism for the 21st Century" was good - Wess, Robin, and Martin have all written about it already. I was hoping to do so, too, but spent my available time trying to remember my Flickr signin credentials. Martin kindly emailed me to say that I could always post the photos directly to QuakerQuaker, so I did.

You can find his and my photos, and eventually more from other Friends, too, by clicking here.

Or just go to the photos page of quakerquaker.org and search for the tag "quakerreclaiming2009." Martin is uploading his video interviews at a mad pace, so check those out, too. I was pretty wiped out when he interviewed me, so it's not one for the ages. It was fun showing the interview with 10 Year Old to him and his younger brother tonight before bedtime.

Here's a pic of Chad explaining the Quaker schism chart (aka "The Religious Society Of Friends In North America Chart") to 7 Year Old.

Update, 2/24/09: added the tag "quakerreclaiming2009" in case it wasn't supposed to have a period in it.

1 comment:

Martin Kelley said...

Thanks for getting the pictures up. For the curious: the tag for most things is quaker-dot-something, in case making it "quaker.reclaiming2009". Flickr takes out dots in tags for some reason so it turns into "quakerreclaiming2009". Just one of those oddities I'm afraid!