
Frequently Asked Quaker Questions: FAQQs

By the time this is published, I'll be packing for the Ben Lomond Quaker Center workshop called "Reclaiming the Power of Primitive Quakerism for the 21st Century." I'm going because I know some of the organizers. :) I'm looking forward to it.

Before that, though, the draft minutes from our February business meeting are in, and I wanted to share the questions we collected at the meeting to use in our Frequently Asked Quaker Questions (FAQQ) series at San Francisco Meeting:
  • Why do Friends worship in silence?
  • What is meant by “testing” leadings?
  • What does it mean to “let our lives speak”?
  • What is the connection between spirituality and action?
  • Is there a political “litmus test” for being a Quaker? Do all Friends have the same political beliefs?
  • What about all the other Quakers? What other kinds are there besides – and even within – unprogrammed Friends?
  • What's the difference between meditation in our private lives, and meditation together as a group?
  • Why do children come for 15 minutes?
  • Who’s in charge?
  • Do you have to be a Christian?
  • What do Quakers think about paying taxes that support war?
  • What is the role of civil disobedience among Friends?
  • How do we make the peace testimony active and valuable?
  • How do Quakers make decisions?
  • Is there a spiritual “litmus test” for Quakers?
  • Why don’t Quakers wear all grey anymore? Am I allowed to wear fancy clothes to meeting?
  • How do Quakers hold marriages and memorials?
  • How do Quakers invest?
  • What do we mean by equality?
  • What is the Quaker view of the Bible?
  • How do Quakers feel about the sacraments?
  • How do Quakers feel about sex? art? music? alcohol? gossip? hell? sin? capitalism? joy? dancing? queerness?
  • What do Quakers mean by “clearness”?
  • Do Quakers have a sense of humor?
  • Why do Quakers ask so many questions? And queries?
We'll sort through these and make them available to our Ministry and Oversight Committee members, who are signing up to lead these approximately 15-minute discussions at the rise of meeting for anyone who wants to participate, whether a new or long-time participant.

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