
And this is (part of) why I live in the Bay Area

But first: Maybe I should live in Aotearoa/New Zealand. If you don't read the blogs of Jarrod McKenna or Wess Daniels -- though if you read my blog, then you probably do (or maybe you ARE Jarrod or Wess :) then you might not have seen this post by Jarrod about ANZAC Ploughshares deflating a dome for a spy satellite dish in Aotearoa/New Zealand:

ANZAC Ploughshares!!!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: The San Jose Mercury News reports today the Eyes Wide Open exhibit will be back in the Bay Area, after being front-page news in 2005:

Palo Alto to host exhibit highlighting human cost of Iraq war
The traveling American Friends Service Committee's exhibit called "Eyes Wide Open," showing the human cost of the Iraq war, is coming to Palo Alto this weekend.... The display, at King Plaza in front of City Hall at 250 Hamilton Avenue, opens at 10 a.m. Saturday and closes on Sunday at 6 p.m. The idea was started by the American Friends, a pacifist Quaker organization.
And you may have heard about this event up and down the West Coast. From SF Chronicle/sfgate.com:
Dockworkers walk off job at ports up and down coast to protest war

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