
My first time YouTubing

I did it! Here's the Public Service Announcement for local cable TV that Comcast created for us for Affordable Housing Week 2007. As mentioned in my last post, our theme for the week is "Home Is: Family | Opportunity | Community," and the week's events are listed at www.Home-Is.org.

The page with the PSA is here:

Or just click on the embedded object here!

This was from the 3MB file Comcast emailed us... I'm hoping the DVD that's coming in the mail will be a little higher quality.

I wrote the script, and that's my voice on the narration. (Shades of my college-radio days. Still a pretty low-key, classic rock radio type of voice; not a very high-powered TV voice, which is okay with me.)


Liz Opp said...

Nice job, Chris.

Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up

Martin Kelley said...

As soon as it started I went "hey that's Chris's voice."

Working my odd jobs now (full of classic rock!), it's even more amazing to me how much of one's income goes into housing, even in relatively-affordable semi-rural South Jersey. We all want the functions that the service economy gives us but we're so oblivious for the need to house the service economy's workers. It's pretty incredible and I'm so glad you're out there doing the work you do.

Anonymous said...

LizOpp and MartinK: Thanks for commenting on my non-Quaker post, you two!

Martin, did you used to listen to WMMR and WYSP? They were the big FM rock stations out of Philly when we were that age. And in Bridgewater, we got WPLJ out of NYC too.

Then I got hooked on WPRB in 1980 or 1981 and never looked back...

Martin Kelley said...

Hey Chris: Back in the day I would listen to WMMR and WYSP but then found Central Jersey's WPST which indulged my ongoing fascination for Brit glam pop and pseudo post New Wave. With the rise of the internet I often tune to WFMU out of Jersey City, especially Bill Kelly's Teenage Wasteland program on Sunday afternoons (I often download the archives laters in the week).

In my current third-shift career I often get to listen to WMMR all night long now. It's still going strong and still a national leader. Sometimes we turn to WYSP (usually for special syndicated programs like Dee Snyder's "House of Hair"). At lunchtime (3:10am for you non-third-shifters) the music is often switched to a South Jersey classic rock station that's pretty much just a MP3 player on automatic. It must have about eighty songs and about twenty get-into-debt or get-out-of-debt commercials that play every other song ("I considered bankruptcy and divorce but then I found Debt Relief of America. Thanks to them I can see myself living my life again. They were the best present I've ever received."). I've realized the commercial appeal of classic rock is that the playlist never needs to be updated, making this DJ-less autoplay depressingly easy.

kathy said...

Chris this is awesome. Nice job. Keep up the very good work in your community. -- Kathy